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How to Create a Windows Shortcut Key

 First of all, you need to create the shortcut of the program in which you wish to create a shortcut key.

  1. Open the folder or directory in which you want to create the shortcut.
  2. Right-click on that program/app and look at the option to "create shortcut"
  3. This will create the shortcut of the program and if you wish to rename it, you can rename it also. Right-click on the shortcut program and Rename it.
  4. After that, if you want to move/copy the shortcut program to anywhere to execute the program, you can use the copy/paste/cut method.

Once the shortcut has been created, you can assign the shortcut keystroke to that program.

  1. Right-click on the shortcut program and click on properties.
  2. Click on the Shortcut key.
  3. In the shortcut key, press any key/letter which you make to make its shortcut key, if you press letter T it will automatically create Ctrl+Alt+T as you can see in the above picture, Which means that if saved, pressing Ctrl and Alt and T will run that shortcut.
  4. You are done here, now you can access that folder/program just press Ctrl+Alt+T

Alternative way
  1. Find the Program or File: Locate the program, file, folder, or website that you want to create a shortcut for.

  2. Right-click on the Program/File: Right-click on the program, file, folder, or website shortcut that you want to assign a keyboard shortcut to.

  3. Select Properties: From the context menu, select "Properties." This will open a window with properties specific to the selected item.

  4. Go to the Shortcut Tab: In the Properties window, navigate to the "Shortcut" tab. This tab contains options for configuring the shortcut.

  5. Set Shortcut Key: Click on the "Shortcut key" field. Press the key or key combination that you want to use as the shortcut. For example, if you want to create a shortcut key for Notepad, you can press Ctrl + Alt + N.

  6. Apply and Save: After setting the shortcut key, click "Apply" and then "OK" to save your changes.

Now, whenever you press the assigned shortcut key or key combination, it will launch the program, open the file or folder, or navigate to the website, depending on what you created the shortcut for.

Keep in mind that Windows allows you to assign shortcut keys only to shortcuts (.lnk files). If you want to create a shortcut to a program or file that doesn't already have one, you'll need to create a shortcut for it first by right-clicking on it and selecting "Create shortcut." Then, you can follow the steps above to assign a shortcut key to the newly created shortcut.

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